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List of Questions asked by Morgan Stanley


Coding Questions - 

1. . Exchange kth node from start and kth node from end of a singly linked list.

2.  Given a number, you have to find next greater number which has same set of digits.

3.  Given a binary tree, you have to print level order traversal of the tree (left child then right child) but every next level has to be printed in next line.

9. Given a 2d matrix find an element in a matrix which is 0 and make the entire row and column to 0

Interview Questions - 

  1. Two processes are running on different computers how will you make them talk to each other.
  2. What is an API, REST, write a small REST API
  3. What is a thread
  4. Where are threads useful
  5. What is virtual memory
  6. Explain Paging
  7. some questions related to Process scheduling
  8. What happens when your ram is fully occupied.
  9. Write a small c++ multi-thread program
  10. What parts of memory do different threads share
  11. Problem with shared memory
  12. Locking mechanisms
  13. Problems with locks
  14. What is a deadlock
  15. How will you solve a deadlock
  16. How will you detect a cycle in a graph
  17. How will you detect a cycle in a graph using BFS
  18. You are given a very big file you need to give the top 10 most appeared words in that file.
  19. DBMS SQL queries. Top N query 


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